Nexus 7にAndroid 9 Pieをインストール(失敗)


Android 9 Pie on Nexus 7



  • 以下のブログの内容にのっとって、Android 8の部分をAndroid 9のイメージを使って進めていましたが、gappsをインストールする際に、”error 70 gapps Additional Space Required” と出てしまってインストールが失敗します。
  • error 70は、空き容量が足りないエラーです。
  • 単体のAndroid 9はインストール出来て起動はできます。しかし、Play Storeが入らない状態では実際は実質使えない。。。
# Begin GApps Size Calculations
  TYPE  |         DESCRIPTION        |      SIZE |   TOTAL
        |         Current Free Space |    160384 |  160384
 Remove |             Existing GApps | +       0 |  160384
 Remove |             Obsolete Files | +       0 |  160384
 Remove |           extservicesstock | +      56 |  160440
 Remove |             extsharedstock | +      24 |  160464
 Remove |      packageinstallerstock | +    8632 |  169096
 Remove |                  provision | +      24 |  169120
Install |                       Core | -  164184 |    4936
Install |                    calsync | -    1796 |    3140
Install |                  googletts | -   22708 |  -19568
Install |     packageinstallergoogle | -    8340 |  -27908
        |               Buffer Space | -    9216 |  -37124
                      Additional Space Required |   37124

# End GApps Size Calculations
Android 9になって、圧縮された状態で17MB程度増えた
  • /media/ の内容を削除したりしてがんばって空き容量を開けたりしてみましたが、空き容量が全然足りませんでした。
  • 単位はたぶんKB(キロバイト)
  • 元々picoのパッケージなので削除出来るファイルが少ないので断念。


  • 容量が少なければ、システムが入っているパーティションを拡張してしまえば良い。
  • ここにやり方が書いてある。
  • unmountが必要だったりするのでそのままコピペではいけないけど、最終的にはAndroid 9 PieとgappsをNexus 7にインストールできた!しかし、ネットワーク周りが不安定で通信が出来ない!
~ # /parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 p
Model: MMC HBG4e (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 31.3GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name      Flags
 1      67.1MB  157MB   89.6MB  fat16        radio
 2      201MB   204MB   3146kB               modemst1
 3      204MB   208MB   3146kB               modemst2
 4      268MB   284MB   15.4MB  ext4         persist
 5      336MB   336MB   799kB                m9kefs1
 6      336MB   337MB   799kB                m9kefs2
 7      403MB   403MB   799kB                m9kefs3
 8      403MB   407MB   3146kB               fsg
 9      470MB   471MB   1536kB               sbl1
10      471MB   473MB   1536kB               sbl2
11      473MB   475MB   2097kB               sbl3
12      475MB   480MB   5243kB               aboot
13      480MB   481MB   524kB                rpm
14      537MB   554MB   16.8MB               boot
15      604MB   605MB   524kB                tz
16      605MB   605MB   1024B                pad
17      605MB   606MB   1536kB               sbl2b
18      606MB   608MB   2097kB               sbl3b
19      608MB   613MB   5243kB               abootb
20      613MB   614MB   524kB                rpmb
21      614MB   614MB   524kB                tzb
22      671MB   671MB   8192B   ext2         unused1
23      671MB   2139MB  1468MB  ext4         cache
24      2147MB  2149MB  1049kB               misc
25      2215MB  2225MB  10.5MB               recovery
26      2282MB  2282MB  8192B                DDR
27      2282MB  2282MB  8192B                ssd
28      2282MB  2282MB  1024B                m9kefsc
29      2349MB  2349MB  32.8kB               metadata
30      2416MB  5570MB  3154MB  ext4         system
31      5637MB  31.3GB  25.6GB  ext4         userdata
  • logcatをしてもよくわからないエラーが。WiFiとかBluetooth周りで変になっている様子。
01-09 19:27:51.987   514   535 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
01-09 19:27:51.994  2572  2572 I Zygote  : seccomp disabled by setenforce 0

01-09 19:27:52.048   514   526 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17

01-09 19:27:52.056   514   536 W libprocessgroup: kill(-1695, 9) failed: No such process

01-09 19:27:52.098   514   536 W libprocessgroup: kill(-1695, 9) failed: No such process
01-09 19:27:52.098   514   536 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10025 pid 1695 in 41ms
01-09 19:27:52.108   220   220 I Zygote  : Process 1695 exited due to signal (9)

01-09 19:27:52.128   514   543 E BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_BIND
01-09 19:27:52.138  2572  2572 D BluetoothOppFileProvider: Initialized

01-09 19:27:52.161  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HeadsetService
01-09 19:27:52.162  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding A2dpService
01-09 19:27:52.162  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidHostService
01-09 19:27:52.163  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HealthService
01-09 19:27:52.163  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding PanService
01-09 19:27:52.163  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding GattService
01-09 19:27:52.163  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothMapService
01-09 19:27:52.163  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding AvrcpTargetService
01-09 19:27:52.164  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidDeviceService
01-09 19:27:52.164  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothOppService
01-09 19:27:52.164  2572  2572 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothPbapService
01-09 19:27:52.179  2572  2572 I         : [0109/192752.179576:INFO:com_android_bluetooth_btservice_AdapterService.cpp(630)] hal_util_load_bt_library loaded HAL: btinterface=0x98709234, handle=0x8fef4759
01-09 19:27:52.180  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: onCreate()

01-09 19:27:52.186  2572  2572 D AdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
01-09 19:27:52.189  2572  2572 I bt_btif : init
01-09 19:27:52.190  2572  2572 D bt_osi_allocation_tracker: canary initialized
01-09 19:27:52.190  2572  2590 I AdapterState: OFF : entered
01-09 19:27:52.190  2572  2590 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to OFF
01-09 19:27:52.191  2572  2591 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 2591, thread name stack_manager started
01-09 19:27:52.191  2572  2591 I bt_stack_manager: event_init_stack is initializing the stack
01-09 19:27:52.195  2572  2594 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 2594, thread name alarm_default_ca started
01-09 19:27:52.196  2572  2595 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 2595, thread name alarm_dispatcher started
01-09 19:27:52.199  2572  2591 I bt_btif_core: btif_init_bluetooth entered
01-09 19:27:52.199  2572  2591 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
01-09 19:27:52.200  2572  2596 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 2596, thread name bt_jni_workqueue started
01-09 19:27:52.200  2572  2591 I bt_btif_core: btif_init_bluetooth finished
01-09 19:27:52.200  2572  2591 I bt_stack_manager: event_init_stack finished
01-09 19:27:52.200  2572  2596 I bt_btif_core: run_message_loop entered
01-09 19:27:52.201  2572  2572 I bt_osi_wakelock: wakelock_set_os_callouts set to non-native
01-09 19:27:52.201  2572  2572 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = socket
01-09 19:27:52.202  2572  2596 E bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller not ready! Unable to return Bluetooth Address
01-09 19:27:52.202  2572  2596 E BluetoothServiceJni: adapter_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
01-09 19:27:52.203  2572  2572 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = sdp
01-09 19:27:52.205  2572  2596 D AdapterProperties: Name is: Nexus 7
01-09 19:27:52.205  2572  2596 D AdapterProperties: BT Class:1a0114
01-09 19:27:52.206   514   514 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Nexus 7
01-09 19:27:52.206   514   514 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: Nexus 7
01-09 19:27:52.207  2572  2572 I BluetoothAdapterService: Phone policy enabled
01-09 19:27:52.209  2572  2572 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: start()
01-09 19:27:52.216  2572  2597 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: onAudioDevicesAdded
01-09 19:27:52.216  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: setAdapterService() - trying to set service to
01-09 19:27:52.216  2572  2597 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Nexus 7 type: 2
01-09 19:27:52.216  2572  2597 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Nexus 7 type: 15

01-09 19:27:52.216  2572  2597 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Nexus 7 type: 15
01-09 19:27:52.221  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: onBind()
01-09 19:27:52.221   514   514 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection:
01-09 19:27:52.222   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1
01-09 19:27:52.223   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 5 receivers.
01-09 19:27:52.223   514   543 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f61ad32
01-09 19:27:52.223   729   754 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@a9eb792
01-09 19:27:52.224   841   872 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@58b882b
01-09 19:27:52.224  2572  2585 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp:$AdapterServiceBinder@4dfa26d
01-09 19:27:52.224  1130  1154 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@b1e56ed
01-09 19:27:52.226  2572  2585 D BluetoothAdapterService: enable() - Enable called with quiet mode status =  false
01-09 19:27:52.226  2572  2590 I AdapterState: BLE_TURNING_ON : entered
01-09 19:27:52.226  2572  2590 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to BLE_TURNING_ON
01-09 19:27:52.226  2572  2590 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state BLE_TURNING_ON to 1 receivers.
01-09 19:27:52.226   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
01-09 19:27:52.226   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
01-09 19:27:52.227  2572  2590 D BluetoothAdapterService: bleOnProcessStart()
01-09 19:27:52.227  2572  2590 I AdapterProperties: init(), maxConnectedAudioDevices, default=5, propertyOverlayed=5, finalValue=5
01-09 19:27:52.230  2572  2590 D BluetoothAdapterService: bleOnProcessStart() - Make Bond State Machine
01-09 19:27:52.231  2572  2590 D BluetoothBondStateMachine: make
01-09 19:27:52.232  2572  2603 I BluetoothBondStateMachine: StableState(): Entering Off State
01-09 19:27:52.236  2572  2572 I BtGatt.JNI: classInitNative(L875): classInitNative: Success!
01-09 19:27:52.240  2572  2572 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
01-09 19:27:52.240  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
01-09 19:27:52.243  2572  2572 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = gatt
01-09 19:27:52.243  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning

01-09 19:27:52.251  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
01-09 19:27:52.252  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - Message: 2
01-09 19:27:52.252  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_REGISTERED
01-09 19:27:52.252  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - Message: 1
01-09 19:27:52.252  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
01-09 19:27:52.253  2572  2572 I bt_btif : enable: start restricted = 0
01-09 19:27:52.253  2572  2591 I bt_stack_manager: event_start_up_stack is bringing up the stack
01-09 19:27:52.253  2572  2591 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "btif_config_module"
01-09 19:27:52.253  2572  2591 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "btif_config_module"
01-09 19:27:52.254  2572  2591 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "btsnoop_module"
01-09 19:27:52.254  2572  2591 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "btsnoop_module"
01-09 19:27:52.254  2572  2591 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "hci_module"
01-09 19:27:52.254  2572  2591 I bt_hci  : hci_module_start_up
01-09 19:27:52.254  2572  2607 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 2607, thread name hci_thread started
01-09 19:27:52.255  2572  2607 I bt_hci  : hci_initialize
01-09 19:27:52.255  2572  2591 D bt_hci  : hci_module_start_up starting async portion
01-09 19:27:52.256   201   201 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IBluetoothHci/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-09 19:27:52.257  2572  2607 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/[email protected] from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
01-09 19:27:52.262  2572  2607 I bt_hci  : hci_initialize: IBluetoothHci::getService() returned 0xa9a4e3c0 (local)
01-09 19:27:52.262  2572  2607 I [email protected]: BluetoothHci::initialize()
01-09 19:27:52.264  2572  2607 I bt_vendor: bt-vendor : init
01-09 19:27:52.264  2572  2607 D [email protected]: Open vendor library loaded
01-09 19:27:52.264  2572  2607 I bt_hwcfg: Starting hciattach daemon
01-09 19:27:52.264  2572  2607 I bt_hwcfg: try to set true
01-09 19:27:52.641   841   841 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1
01-09 19:27:53.502   514   883 I WifiService: startScan uid=10008
01-09 19:27:53.503   261   261 W wificond: Copy constructor is only used for unit tests
01-09 19:27:53.504   261   261 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES
01-09 19:27:53.504   261   261 W wificond: Copy constructor is only used for unit tests
01-09 19:27:53.504   261   261 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES
01-09 19:27:53.505   261   261 W wificond: Copy constructor is only used for unit tests
01-09 19:27:53.505   261   261 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES
01-09 19:27:54.164   514   880 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event
01-09 19:27:54.186   514  2061 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
01-09 19:27:54.198   514   536 W libprocessgroup: kill(-1736, 9) failed: No such process
01-09 19:27:54.239   514   536 W libprocessgroup: kill(-1736, 9) failed: No such process
01-09 19:27:54.264   220   220 I Zygote  : Process 1736 exited due to signal (9)
01-09 19:27:54.284   514   536 W libprocessgroup: kill(-1736, 9) failed: No such process
01-09 19:27:54.284   514   536 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10038 pid 1736 in 86ms
01-09 19:27:54.576   514   514 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(SUBSCRIPTION_OR_SIM_CHANGED, 0, null)
01-09 19:27:54.591   514   880 I WifiService: WifiService trying to set country code to jp
01-09 19:27:54.591   514   880 I WifiService: setCountryCode uid=1001
01-09 19:27:54.601   514  1893 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -540 minutes west of GMT
01-09 19:27:54.607   514   525 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -540 minutes west of GMT
01-09 19:27:54.620   514   532 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(SUBSCRIPTION_OR_SIM_CHANGED, 0, null)
01-09 19:27:54.626   841   841 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1
01-09 19:27:54.658   841   841 D CallNotifier: updatePhoneStateListeners: update CF notifications.
01-09 19:27:54.658   841   841 I NotificationMgr: updateCfi: subId= 1, visible=N
01-09 19:27:54.659   841   841 W NotificationMgr: Called updateMwi() on non-voice-capable device! Ignoring...
01-09 19:27:54.660   841   841 I TelecomFramework: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {b503d98}
01-09 19:27:54.677   514   883 W Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount not allowed on non-voice capable device.: TSI.rPA@ADY
01-09 19:27:54.678   841   841 I TelecomFramework: AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub  Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail  Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, ***, UserHandle{0}
01-09 19:27:54.678   841   841 I TelecomFramework: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {b503d98}
01-09 19:27:54.688   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.688   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.695   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.701   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.701   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.707   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.708   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.714   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.714   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.721   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.721   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.726   228   228 E WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: requestResponse Error:-3
01-09 19:27:54.726   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.728   514   656 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.937) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
01-09 19:27:54.736   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.736   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.741   841   860 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
01-09 19:27:54.741   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.741   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.749   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.755   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
01-09 19:27:54.755   841   841 D TelephonyProvider: getPreferredApnIdFromApn: for subId 1
01-09 19:27:54.764   841   841 I TelecomFramework: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
01-09 19:27:54.780   514  1393 W Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount not allowed on non-voice capable device.: TSI.rPA@ADk
01-09 19:27:54.812   223   223 I healthd : type=1400 audit(0.0:122): avc: denied { read } for name="present" dev="sysfs" ino=13630 scontext=u:r:healthd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
01-09 19:27:54.881   514   880 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -540 minutes west of GMT
01-09 19:27:56.191  2076  2090 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
01-09 19:27:56.192   226  2233 E WVCdm   : App requested unknown byte array property metrics
01-09 19:27:56.231  2572  2590 E AdapterState: BLE_TURNING_ON : BLE_START_TIMEOUT
01-09 19:27:56.231  2572  2590 I AdapterState: BLE_TURNING_OFF : entered
01-09 19:27:56.231  2572  2590 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to BLE_TURNING_OFF
01-09 19:27:56.231  2572  2590 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state BLE_TURNING_OFF to 1 receivers.
01-09 19:27:56.232   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_TURNING_OFF
01-09 19:27:56.232   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_TURNING_OFF
01-09 19:27:56.233  2572  2590 D AdapterProperties: onBleDisable
01-09 19:27:56.236  2572  2572 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
01-09 19:27:56.240  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - Message: 1
01-09 19:27:56.240  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
01-09 19:27:56.240  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - Message: 3
01-09 19:27:56.240  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_UNREGISTERED
01-09 19:27:56.241  2572  2572 W         : [0109/] GATTC Module not enabled/already disabled
01-09 19:27:56.241  2572  2572 W         : [0109/] GATTS Module not enabled/already disabled
01-09 19:27:56.241  2572  2590 I AdapterState: OFF : entered
01-09 19:27:56.241  2572  2590 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to OFF
01-09 19:27:56.241  2572  2590 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state OFF to 1 receivers.
01-09 19:27:56.242   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_TURNING_OFF > OFF
01-09 19:27:56.242   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth is complete send Service Down
01-09 19:27:56.242   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 5 receivers.
01-09 19:27:56.242   514   543 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f61ad32
01-09 19:27:56.242  2572  2584 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown:$AdapterServiceBinder@4dfa26d
01-09 19:27:56.242   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f61ad32 mBinding = false mUnbinding = false
01-09 19:27:56.243   729  1019 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@a9eb792
01-09 19:27:56.244   841   874 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@58b882b
01-09 19:27:56.244  1130  1154 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@b1e56ed
01-09 19:27:56.245   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_OFF > OFF
01-09 19:27:56.245   514   543 D BluetoothManagerService: Entering STATE_OFF but mEnabled is true; restarting.
01-09 19:27:56.245   514   543 E BluetoothManagerService: waitForOnOff time out
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: exception when invoking removeOnUidImportanceListener
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Listener not registered:$2@11869ab
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at$1700(
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at$H.handleMessage(
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at$
01-09 19:27:56.245  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: exception when invoking unregisterReceiver(mLocationReceiver)
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered:$3@cd94808
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at android.content.ContextWrapper.unregisterReceiver(
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at$1700(
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at$H.handleMessage(
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at$
01-09 19:27:56.246  2572  2572 W BtGatt.ScanManager: 	at
01-09 19:27:56.247  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: onUnbind() - calling cleanup
01-09 19:27:56.247  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: cleanup()
01-09 19:27:56.249  2572  2572 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...
01-09 19:27:56.249  2572  2572 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP object
01-09 19:27:56.249  2572  2572 D BluetoothAdapterService: cleanup() - Cleaning up adapter native
  • WiFiに繋げて、設定を行うところを後回しにしたらホーム画面まで行くことが出来ました。
  • Google Play Storeでインストールしようと、Googleアカウントを入力して同期が始まるところで詰まる。ネットワーク周りが調子悪い様子。
  • 諦めて、Android 8に戻します。。。
  • 「Android」と表示されて起動しなくなってしまったので、一度ファクトリーのイメージを書き込む。
  • →起動しない。。。ハードウェアが壊れたっぽい。文鎮になってしまった。。。


